Christian Initiation Catechism for Confirmation Preparation

New from the St. Philip Institute!

The Christian Initiation Catechism is a simple, clear guide to help prepare young children (ages 7-9) for the sacrament of Confirmation.  Using a question and answer format, parents and catechists can guide children through 50 questions covering the basics of the Catholic faith: the Apostles’ Creed, the Sacraments, the Commandments, and the life of prayer.  Using simple answers, along with references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church for more detailed responses, parents can adjust to their own child’s maturity.  While the Christian Initiation Catechism is intended primarily to assist with preparation for Confirmation, it can also be used as a resource for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children.

“Faith is the virtue by which we believe what God has told us because we trust him to tell us the truth.”- From the Christian Initiation Catechism