Bringing the teachings of the Catholic Church to the Diocese of Tyler.

Teaching and forming disciples with the fervor of First Century Christians.

We’re in need of a new evangelization

two wedding band rings


Less than one-half as many weddings occurred in the Catholic Church in 2017 as in 1990.

30+ million

Over 30 million people in the United States, who were raised Catholic, no longer identify as such.

~ 23%

About 23 percent of United States Catholics attend Holy Mass each week.

The family is, so to speak, the domestic church. In it parents should, by their word and example, be the first preachers of the faith to their children…

– Lumen Gentium, 11

Educating and equipping the Catholics of the Diocese of Tyler.

Assisting Catholics in living out their Baptismal responsibilities.

Equipping Catholics to answer the question “Why Catholicism?”

On-going priestly formation.

Formation of lay catechists.

Resources to help you share your encounter with the person of Jesus Christ.

It is a primary mission of the St. Philip Institute to provide new opportunities within the Diocese of Tyler for learning the Catholic Faith.


Faithful to the teaching of the Catholic Church as expressed in the Catechism and magisterial teaching documents.


Engaging and attractive to draw as many people as possible to the message of Jesus Christ


Clear and concise teaching which truly informs and educates, and never obfuscates or confuses.

“How can I, unless
someone instructs me?”

– Acts 8:31