The St. Philip Institute
Summer 2020
This summer the St. Philip Institute Family Life Office launched the first ever Three to Get Married Online Retreat Weekends in English and Spanish. This online retreat was created in response to COVID-19 restrictions and allowed couples to experience this important part of the marriage formation process through a combination of pre-recorded and live group sessions.
Our Marriage Formation Specialist, Norma Alzamora, led two Son Tres Los Que Se Casan retreats with a team of couples and priests from around the diocese including Fr. Jose Luis Vidarte, Fr. John Gomez, and Fr. Hector Arvizu. The Director of Family Life, Deanna Johnston, led the 3 English retreats with Fr. Justin Braun and a group of married couples from the Tyler area. Bishop Strickland was also able to speak to the couples during their retreats.
In total, 26 couples were able to experience this retreat online over the summer. The Family Life Office plans to continue offering this online option through the remainder of this year and will likely continue offering it as an option to couples even after live retreat weekends resume next year.
To learn more about the Three to Get Married retreats and to see an upcoming schedule of live and online retreat weekends please click here.