Catechist Conference 2021
Join the St. Philip Institute team for a dynamic day of teaching, prayer, and support for catechists in the Diocese of Tyler. This year we will host two separate events: a conference in Spanish and one in English. Our theme for this year’s conference is Proclaiming the Truth with Joy. Both days will be hosted at St. Matthew in Longview.
Catechists will have a chance to pray together with other volunteers from across the diocese, opportunities to meet people from other parishes, as well as hear inspiring talks from the staff of the St. Philip Institute and other leaders in parish ministry.
Keynote: Dr. Luke Arredondo, Director of Faith Formation
Afternoon Breakout Sessions:
Philip Smith, Director of Lifelong Formation, Catholic Nacogdoches:
RCIA: The Liturgical Dimension
RCIA: The Catechetical Dimension
Mikki Sciba, Catechetical Specialist, St. Philip Institute:
Sacramental Formation
Elementary Catechist Formation
Luke Arredondo, Director of Faith Formation, St. Philip Institute:
Baptism Formation Training
Henry Troelle, St. Theresa, Gladewater:
Youth Ministry Formation
Exciting news! The St. Philip Institute is launching a new catechist certification process. Details will be discussed during the conference. Don’t miss it!
There will be a $20 charge per participant. If this presents a difficulty for your parish, please contact Dr. Stacy Trasancos ( or Dr. Luke Arredondo (