Fertility Awareness: Pro Woman & Pro Life Options for Reproductive Health
Join Sanctity of Life and the Diocese of Tyler’s Department of Family Life for an Introduction to Fertility Awareness, led by Emily Frase. Delve into Pro-Woman and Pro-Life Options for Reproductive Health
This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about what fertility awareness is, why it is a pro-life option for Catholics, and why IVF and surrogacy are not ethical options for reproductive health. Emily’s talk will be followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Allison Low and Deanna Johnston.
Emily Frase is a south Louisiana native living in northern Virginia with her husband and three children. She founded Total Whine, a blog, popular Instagram page, and podcast, where she shares her Catholic faith in a joyful and honest way, especially the areas of NFP, sex, and motherhood. In 2020, Emily launched her coaching service to help women navigate the often overwhelming reality of fertility awareness and family planning. She is the co-founder and president of the nonprofit organization FAbM Base, which aims to make fertility awareness education accessible and authentic. She has collaborated with FemCatholic and The St. Philip Institute and is a featured speaker at the 2024 Marquette Research Conference. You can find her at totalwhine.com and fabmbase.org