Home Events NFP Ambassador Training
NFP Ambassadors training retreat

NFP Ambassador Training

Are you interested in supporting NFP and Fertility Awareness ministry in your parish, but you aren’t sure where to begin? Would you like to help the diocese provide more resources for women and couples on the NFP resources available, but you don’t necessarily want to become a certified instructor? We invite you to become an NFP Ambassador!

What is an NFP “ambassador”?
Ambassadors are the heart of a parish’s Natural Family Planning ministry. They are individuals or couples who serve as first points of contact for NFP resources within the community. Through this day-long retreat, Ambassadors become experts in general NFP biomarkers, methods, and resources… PLUS they get to discern their unique role in NFP support and start making a custom plan!

“This was the perfect way to clarify our direction for NFP ministry in our parish. Christina’s experience and resources are such an amazing tool for us to learn from and use in our own ministries.”
-Elissa, Ambassador trainee

Is this training available in Spanish?
This year the NFP Ambassador Training is only available in English; however, some of the resources and teaching materials for NFP Ambassadors are available in both English and Spanish. We encourage both English speaking and bilingual leaders to attend this formation retreat as we expand NFP/Fertility Awareness Resources throughout the diocese.

I am interested in becoming an NFP Ambassador but I am unable to attend this particular event. What can I do?
The NFP Ambassador Training is available online. If this is something you’d be interested in, please contact Deanna Johnston at djohnston@stphilipinstitute.org.

Registration Information 
The formation retreat will be held at Wellspring Fransalian Center for Spirituality from 9:00am-3:00pm on Saturday, July 29th. Snacks, lunch, and resources will be provided. Cost to attend is $10/person or $15/couple. Space is limited, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible.

This event is part of a series of workshops and events being sponsored through the Department of Family Life for NFP Awareness Week 2023. To see a listing of all the events offered that week please visit www.stphilipinstitute.org/events


Jul 29 2023


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

More Info

Registration Form


Wellspring Fransalian Center for Spirituality
16828 FM2964, Whitehouse, TX 75791
Deanna Johnston


Deanna Johnston
(903)630-5055 Ext 120
Registration Form

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