
Confirmation and Eucharist: Fully initiated for worship and witness

The Diocese of Tyler’s process for preparing and educating children for the sacraments.

In 2005…the Diocese of Tyler started celebrating the “restored order” of the Sacraments of Initiation. Restored order refers to the practice of celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation in the following order: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist…restor[ing] the Holy Eucharist to the climax of initiation.” 

– Mikki Sciba, For the Love of the Eucharist

The path to prepare children for Confirmation and Eucharist:

General guideline—a journey of prayer and formation.

Children who have reached the age of reason (~7 years) and who have already been receiving systematic catechesis for at least a year, may request full initiation into the church and begin their direct sacramental formation.
Children who have reached the age of reason (~7 years) and who have NOT received systematic catechesis for at least a year, may request full initiation into the church and will then begin their formation with systematic catechesis, followed by direct sacramental formation.

Pastor and parental discretion

Parents, as primary educators of their children, may believe their children need more or less time to be ready to receive their sacraments. These instances should be reviewed with each family as they come forward.

First reconciliation

Should take place 6 months prior to full initiation. Ideally, candidates should go to confession monthly leading up to the celebration of Confirmation and Eucharist.

Adult Seeking Sacraments

Adults who are in need of any sacraments should speak to their pastor for more information. The preparation process for adults will depend in part on their own circumstances and background.

Special needs

If your child has special needs, reach out to Mikki Sciba at

Additional Information

Confirmation booklet

Both in Spanish and English. An ideal resource to help parents and catechists prepare candidates for confirmation.

Restored Order

Read this article to learn more about “Restored Order” For the Love of the Eucharist